We invite you into a nature sanctuary. Home to creativity, inquiry, artistry and wonder.
Join us for music, arts, ritual and retreats.
harmony in breathtaking nature
We believe sometimes going ‘remote’ has powerful positive effects on the heart and soul. A little peaceful unplugging surrounded by songbirds, trees and rugged mountains can have some welcomed wild and wonderful consequences. We’ve learned that discovering the beautiful sanctuary of the natural world is an ‘escape’ well worth the effort.

inspiration with creative minds
We believe creativity, through ecstatic explorations of music, art, culture, ritual and self expression, creates exhilarating moments of wonder, joy, growth and action. We are absolutely passionate about curating these moments with a wonderful community of musicians, artists, producers, thinkers, builders, experience designers and ritual makers.

connection in community
We believe in a community of collaboration and that together we can dream bigger and are more fulfilled as humans when we are creating, learning, participating and working together. And really it’s a lot more fun.
We are fearless with our creative ideas and stand fierce by our values and integrity…. We are building a community of such humans.

joy in culinary delights
We believe a well nourished body and a very delighted palate make for a joyful and adventurous disposition. A truly exceptional sensory culinary experience not only feeds the body but feeds our sense of togetherness and community, our deeply rooted life force and interweaving cultures, and the beauty and gratitude of sharing abundance and bounty.

what lies beyond the ordinary...
Surprise seems to happen at the edges, places beyond the ordinary. We seek harmony as a consistent measure of happiness and yet… at our most vital moments of personal growth, there is transcendence in the gritty beauty of metamorphosis, in the unexpected, in the wonderment of the evocative. An intensity, a friction igniting for a moment, where the good stuff seems to happen.
A space, if you’re curious, we might like to cultivate…