Earthereal Muse & Sky Oaks Ranch Present...
Welcome Beloveds!
With springtime upon us and summer beckoning, we are thrilled to invite you to an
unforgettable May Day gathering to celebrate this joyous time of year!
Honoring nature’s cycles, rebirth, fertility, love and fire
Let us come together with revelry, ritual and reverence and immerse in the bounty of breathtaking nature, music, dance, culinary delights, creativity, love and the sensuous playful joy at the heart of Beltane!

In celebration of the Rituals of Beltane and the Rites of Spring!
Please join us as we venture into an enchanting world of transformation and inspiration...
a wonderland embodying our blooming hearts and souls!
~ Offerings ~

Full Immersive Experience
Three days and two nights of participation, ritual, celebration, creative expression, joy, inspiration, music, deep connection all in the beauty and peace of nature

Maypole Dance &
May Day Procession
Let the merriment begin as the music plays and we weave our colored ribbons around the maypole, dancing with joy... A highlight not to be missed!

Beltane Altar for Intentions, Prayer & Meditation
Nestled under the old Oak trees in a sanctuary of peace, a place of beauty, offerings and meditation... and you might see a fairy or two :)

Camping & Glamping
Camping in pristine nature with breathtaking views and star gazing with Glamping tent options available

Beltane Ceremony Circle
With the deep enriching guidance of Earthereal Muse and a sacred honey elixir offering, we come together for a beautiful Beltane Ceremony with meditation and visualization

Floral Crown & Mask Making Creations
Creativity is an integral part of our weekend together and the adorning of flower crowns and masks is woven into the lore and traditions of Beltane... and will abound in full glory for our weekend together

Opening & Closing Circles
Together we open and close our sacred and celebratory Beltane journey, honoring the experience, the celebration, rituals and our connection

Outdoor Hot Showers
Enclosed in Oak trees, enjoy the beauty of private outdoor hot showers with natural organic products

Beltane Bonfire, Fire Ritual & Fire Performance
Fire will alight in our Beltane celebration with a special fire ritual, performance and the warm glow of the bonfire

Live Music & DJ Experience
An extraordinary music experience ~ with multi-instrumentalist, world musician, David Bergeaud, special invited live musical guests and DJ heart opening Saturday night dance party!

Catered Gourmet Meals
Culinary delights to nourish our bodies with a fully catered experience, health conscious gourmet meals, coffee & teas

A Nature Sanctuary
Surrounded by 200 acres of wild and pristine land, a Condor sanctuary, 100 year old Oak groves, open pastoral fields, a canopy of stars, the song of nature and the space to dream...

Beltane, a May Day celebration, is a Celtic Irish/Scottish festival celebrated for thousands of years and connected to the many pagan traditions that mark the seasonal cycles. It is a time to come together to share our stories, our love, our support, and to call in the rituals, songs, blessings, ceremonies, the sacred and the magical, that give meaning and depth, beauty and hope to our human experience.
Whether perceived through the most magical worlds of the Fae and the ethereal wonders of the cosmos or through the roots of the trees, the natural world and the cycles of nature or through the rituals, ceremonies and rites or through the stories and myths of the memory keepers who weave our cultural lineages, Beltane is a time to come together around the bonfire, around the Maypole, around the table with song, dance, community, love and joy in a deep human desire to touch upon the sacred and the earthy.
At the heart of Beltane, transformation and inspiration unfurl, that source that is our fertile soil of rebirth, growth, blooming, expansion both effervescently joyous and deeply meaningful… protected and impassioned by igniting the blazing fires of Beltane and Spring Awakening into Summer…
THE LORE OF BELTANE and A Call to Gather...

Located in the Sespe Mountains overlooking Lake Piru, one hour north of Los Angeles
~ in nature we grow ~
Sky Oaks Ranch is a nature sanctuary and center for creativity, inquiry, artistry and wonder, hosting immersive retreats, and music and art events. Sky Oaks Ranch is a vibrant home to multidisciplinary creators and citizens of the world. We are a community guided by curiosity and a fearless openness for knowledge, connection and transformational life experiences.
We invite you into a unique retreat experience surrounded by 200 acres of pristine nature, 100 year old oak groves, serene hiking trails, a nighttime canopy of stars and spectacular views.
It is within the cradle of this breathtaking landscape that we simply ask,
what is possible?


~ Included in the weekend experience, beautiful campsites for tent and car camping
~ Pristine nature with epic views, pastoral fields, oak trees and a canopy of stars
~ Hot water showers and the Boudoir with natural organic products
Rustic luxury surrounded by bohemian beauty and nature's spectacular views
Single &
Double Occupancy Available
Furnished with mattresses, cozy bedding, Oriental rug, table & Moroccan lantern

Glamping Bell Tents Available


A well nourished body...
Organic ~ Locally Sourced ~ Freshly Curated Menu
Created with a love of the culinary, communal and cultural experience of dining together, our menus are delicious, healthy and varied, in the colors of the rainbow, from organic local sources, then served with joy and gratitude. Enjoy!

Our Enchanted Haven
The heart of the Ranch is the 'Barn' and all around it is a wondrous world of nature and magical environs to gather, connect and share... and we will circle together to deepen and delve into our sensuous and creative powers through
ceremony, ritual, music, movement, poetry, and song

Music ~ Magick ~ Mirth ~ Merriment
Maypole dancing, flower creations, musical processions, feasting, love and joy... together on the Ranch embracing nature, creativity, our abundant wide open hearts in the beautiful continuum of traditions celebrating cycles, seasons and ritual

Meet your Hosts

~ Lesa 'Renfey' Hardy-Bergeaud ~
Sky Oaks Ranch
~ Nicole Jackson ~
Earthereal Muse
~ David Bergeaud ~
Sky Oaks Ranch
Lesa is a singer, event producer, experience designer, and ritual creator. She is currently stewarding 200 acres of a nature sanctuary, Sky Oaks Ranch, where she has the joyous honor of envisioning and building a retreat center for creativity, inquiry, artistry, and wonder. Lesa has facilitated gatherings and brought artists, leaders, and community together for over 20 years.
Lesa co-founded The Alchemy, a nonprofit arts organization in Los Angeles. Through The Alchemy and her company Land Factory Music, Lesa is also a producer and performer of rock operas, theatre productions, soundtracks, and four full-length albums.
Lesa creates and facilitates rituals bringing together collaborators who make exquisite containers of transformation and growth. Lesa is also the founder and co-creator of Troubadour, a yearly live music festival celebrating world traditions.
“Through my lifelong study of and passion for the arts, culture, history, the natural world, and the human heart, I continually wind my way back to the creative experience and the extraordinary place it holds on our collective psyche of emotions, thoughts, imagination, and actions… transcending divides and uniting us on this magnificent human journey. My mission is to share and to support those experiences and the humans who create them.”
I am a Creatrix, Poetess, Performer, Ordained Wedding Officiant, and Pagan Priestess devoted to bridging the divide between human and divine through Creative Expression, Ceremony, and the empowerment of others to discover & embody their own unique soul path.
I am a devotee to divinity ~ God/Goddess, committed to serving their synergistic embodiment as Father Sky and Mother Earth. I believe that we are all children of this great living organism, and thus stewards of all her lands, plants, and creatures. Our connection to Mother Nature is inherent, and when we follow her cycles and seasons, we can explore how her external landscape mirrors our internal landscape. This is my passion, my purpose, and my path.
I have been following the pagan wheel of the year and celebrating the eight sabbats for many years now. When I experienced my first Summer Solstice in England, something sparked inside me. The affirmation that I’d been walking this path my entire life….
I have been holding Ceremonies to honor the seasons for 4 years now, and am expanding my Priestess offerings into retreats, festivals & events, and private 1:1 sessions. Through my offerings, I aim to encourage the remembrance of our universal connection to the Earth that lives within each human heart.
Welcoming all walks and expressions of Spirituality. All is sacred.
David, born in Paris, France, is a musician, composer, poly instrumentalist and record producer who has crafted musical experiences for theatre, movies, music festivals, kings and seekers around the world. An avid musicologist, David studies the history and evolution of musical instruments from antiquity to artificial intelligence and beyond.
David records and performs on a variety of exotic instruments from the Middle East, India and across the globe and has a collection of hundreds of rare instruments.
His music is inspired by a lifetime of international travels, his European classical roots, and a life long love of jazz. Driven by perpetual musical curiosity, his collaborations have led him to play with musicians from Thailand to Marrakech and perform in exceptional environments from Timbuktu to Black Rock City.
He currently stewards 200-acres of a nature sanctuary in Southern California, Sky Oaks Ranch, where he is building a state of the art music studio and creating immersive retreats.
Beyond his passion for music, David is also an avid reader of philosophy, sociology, and cognitive psychology. He grew up in a traveling circus, sailed the oceans in his youth, traveled the world as an adult, and continuously explores cultures and the human spirit with a joyous openness and mindful curiosity.

Be part of an unforgettable experience! Please reserve you place now ~ places are limited and this will sell out!
Follow the link for tickets!

Revelry & Reverence ~ Love & Beauty ~ Music & Dance ~ Ritual & Myth ~ Magick & Mirth Rebirth & Growth ~ Nature & Wonder ~ Connection & Joy ~ Fire & Fertility
BELTANE ~ Traditions & Symbolism
Beltane is a time of celebration, fertility and new beginnings, marking the halfway point between the spring equinox and summer solstice. This Celtic May Day festival is a potent and rich time of year in the Turning of the Wheel, a time to connect with nature and honor the changing of the seasons. An ancient celebration honoring the union of the god and goddess, the land’s fertility and the natural world’s magic. Beltane is steeped in tradition, ritual and symbolism, deeply rooted in Celtic and Gaelic mythology like the many ancient myths, traditions and celebrations that abound at May Day (long ago traditions and the celebrations of today) from the Roman celebration of Floralia to Persephone’s springtime emergence in Greek Mythology to the many May Day global celebrations that are ignited on May 1st!
Beltane, 'bright fire,' invites us to connect with nature, burn off the darkness with the Beltane fire, to leap over the flames and revel in the light and rebirth of spring and the fertility of the land. It is an invitation to welcome the fire as a purifier, healer and protector, as an igniter and connector and to remember the lighting of hearth fires as a symbol of togetherness and connections, weaving the continuum of our family and our community.
The enchantments and rituals of Beltane bloom with love, joy, courtship and fertility! A time to cultivate our own fertile creative energies and the fertility of our creative community. A time of feasting, dancing, music, the Maypole dance, flower adornments and the mythology long woven into our present-day culture. A time of rebirth, reverence, growth and balance of masculine and feminine, light and dark, sun and moon, in the beautiful, sensual engagement of the mysteries of the heart. And remember… it’s a mischievous, playful time of year when the Fae and Nature spirits are near!
Now… Let us dance together in the beauty of Beltane… We hope to see you soon!

Embrace the Magick of Beltane
Under the bright rays of the MayDay Sun
We mirror the bloom of Mama Gaia
Surrender to this
Spiral of Rebirth
Release into the flames
That which holds us back
From our unique potential ~
Our embodied essence beckons
For us to shed old skins & stories,
And step into our raw expression
Feel the flames ignite that Divine spark within ~
Where Sensual Awakening begins
And Creativity flows
With imaginative curiosity ~
May we harness the Earthereal energy of above and below
To breathe life into our burning passions
Our wildest dreams.
As the wheel of the year turns,
The veil thins ~ for the Fae & Spirits are near
Their playful mischief is felt
through vibrant fields of wildflowers
Their song compels us… to leap across the threshold to bloom in bountiful abundance ~
Just as the Earth does.
The energetic currents of sacred union are swelling ~ union with self and other.
The Green Man and his MayDay Queen now consummate their love, fertilizing the land with their PowerFull elixir of Life
How can we nourish our own dreams ~ the seeds we have planted at the beginning of this luscious springtime season?
The Earth is rich and fertile, her Beauty blossoming all around us
~ As are We ~
Ripe for Rebirth!
With hands upon the Earth
and Hearts open wide
Swaying under the sun and stars
As we spiral through this fiery portal of Beltane!
~ Earthereal Muse